Sunday, April 23, 2023

The camel and the cat

Once upon a time, a camel, who always obeyed the rules, was traveling through an arid desert.  It was really hot and dry.  The camel walked pass a few wells every day. However, every time the camel found a new well, there was always a sign warning it not to drink the water.  The camel was exhausted.  Day after day, it still couldn't find a well without the warning sign.  The camel thought it would die from dehydration soon.  One day, the camel saw another well, as always, with a warning sign.  But, this time, the camel also saw a cat, who always didn't care about any rules, coming out from a nearby tunnel.  The cat was also thirsty.  The cat also saw the warning sign.  But, the cat ignored it, went straight to the well, and drank the water.  The camel was completely stunned.  The camel decided to follow the cat and drank the water from the well too.  After the camel had finished drinking, the camel asked the cat why the cat ignored the warning sign. The cat said the weather was really hot, the water was there to be drunk, the cat only saw what were necessary to be seen.


Anonymous said...

Is it from the five cards?

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